
Ceramics at IU Southeast provides experience in a wide range of ceramic techniques, including hand forming, wheel throwing, glazing, clay body preparations, as well as numerous firing techniques. In addition, students explore mold making techniques, new developments in mixed media applications for ceramics, and investigate multiple contextual examples for how to incorporate an interest in ceramics into a broader art background. Students develop a background in ceramic history and aesthetics as well as strong technical expertise in the medium. Because of our excellent facilities and experienced faculty, ceramics at IU Southeast has attracted students from throughout the metro Louisville and southern Indiana region. Our graduates have earned post baccalaureate degrees in ceramics from colleges and universities throughout the country.

More information and images of the IU Southeast Ceramics Program can be found on The Clay Bucket website.

Find IUS Ceramics on social media at the IUS Ceramics Facebook page and the IUS Ceramics Instagram account.

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Indiana University Southeast

4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 941-2333

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